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Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 | 12:13 AM

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia adalah Julukan/ Slogan Yang cocok dan patut di Berikan Untuk Alat transfortasi Mobil yang sehebat, Termewah, dan Ternyaman, Terbaik serta berteknologi handal siapa lagi yang memilik Julukan /Slogan tersebut selain hanya Mercedes-Bend.

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Sejarah Butut Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia :

Disini Komputerbutut akan mempaparkan mengenai history, Sejarah dan Pengalaman dari Kepala Negara Indonesia yang Menggunakan Alat transportasi Kebanggan nya dan juga kebanggan bangsa Indonesia yang tidak boleh dilupakan menggunakan Mobil Mewah Mercedes-Benz Terbaik Indonesia.

  • Presiden Presiden Soekarno diketahui memiliki satu Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine di antara berbagai merk mobil-mobil dinasnya. Namun, selama ia berkuasa (1945-1967), tidak ada foto atau berita di media massa yang memperlihatkan atau menyebutkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno pernah menggunakan mobil tersebut.
Sukarno Mercedes Benz 300x225 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

Sukarno Mercedes-Benz

Satu-satunya cerita yang mengisahkan bahwa Presiden Soekarno menggunakan Crown Imperial Limousine diperoleh dari tulisan drg. Oei Hong Kian, yang sempat merawat gigi Presiden Soekarno selama beberapa bulan, menjelang dan sesudah kekuasaannya berakhir.

Dalam tulisannya yang dimuat di majalah Intisari bulan Oktober 1988, drg Oei Hong Kian mengisahkan, awal September 1967, tepat pukul 09.00 WIB, Soekarno, yang kekuasaannya berakhir pada awal Maret 1967, datang ke rumahnya untuk berobat dengan menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600, diiringi lima jip penuh dengan tentara, yang menjaganya dengan ketat.

  • Presiden Soeharto (1967-1998), pertama kali menggunakan Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine pada waktu dia menerima kunjungan Ratu Belanda Juliana ke Jakarta pada 26 Agustus 1971.

suharto Mercedes Benz 600 limousine Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

suharto Mercedes-Benz 600 limousine

Foto Mercedes-Benz 600 itu terpampang ,Selama memegang kekuasaan sebagai Presiden, Soeharto menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S-Class sebagai kendaraan resminya. Tipenya berganti-ganti dari waktu ke waktu.

Dan, dalam perjalanannya yang terakhir dari Istana Merdeka menuju ke kediamannya di Jalan Cendana 8-10, Jakarta Pusat, setelah mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya sebagai Presiden, ia menggunakan Mercedes-Benz S600 V12. Setelah Soeharto mengundurkan diri,

  • Dan sampai sekarang Hampir Semua Kepala Pemerintahan RI dari Sukarno sampai Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono menggunakan Menggunakan Alat transforrasi menggunaka Mercedes-Benz. Mobil Mercedes-Benz Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono adalah Mercedes-Benz tipe S600L model W221. Dengan lisensi plat RI 1, yang mempunyai Banyak Kehebatannya antar lain
S600L model W221 Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia

S600L model W221

Mobil ini merupakan kendaraan lapis baja dengan tingkat resistensi Eropa B6/B7. Mercedes-Benz ini tahan terhadap senjata militer standar dan memberikan perlindungan terhadap fragmen yang muncul dari granat tangan, serta bahan peledak lainnya.

Fitur keamanan tambahan termasuk ban run-flat, tanki bahan bakar 90L dan sistem pemadam kebakaran otomatis. Selain itu, mobil ini juga menggunakan ban Michelin PAX 245-700 R470 AC, sistem pengaturan udara segar darurat, sistem kontrol pneumatik darurat untuk membuka jendela (beroperasi secara tersendiri dari sistem elektronik), serta Panic Alarm System tambahan.

Selain itu, ada pula kamera belakang, kaca depan dan jendela depan yang tahan panas, sistem adjutable doorhold yang digunakan di keempat pintu, di pintu belakang yang dapat ditarik dan menutup secara otomatis, serta tirai belakang listrik.

Kendaraan ini memiliki kecepatan puncak 210 kilometer / jam dengan GVW 4.200 kilogram.

Mobil Presiden SBY ini juga memiliki pengatur komponen suspensi dan tubuh mobil, sebuah penjepit tambahan (strut tower brace) antara suspensi depan dan dua bahan tambahan di bagian belakang untuk melengkapi suspensi udara yang lebih besar

Ayoo Mau Pilih apa lagi Alat transfortasi yang Termewah,Terhandal,Ternyaman, berteknologi Terhebat di dunia dan terbaik diantara yang baik hanya Mercedes-Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia . Orang no 1 di Indonesia saja pilih Mercede-Benz, masa kita pake yang lain. Apa kata dunia icon biggrin Mercedes Benz Mobil Mewah Terbaik Indonesia (bangsa yang Bijak Adalah Bangsa yang Menghargai Sejarah)

12:13 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Dark Chocolate Lower Cholesterol

Written By Unknown on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 | 10:51 PM

Content of antioxidants in dark chocolate (dark chocolate) has long been known to have significant benefits for the heart. The latest research reveals dark chocolate could lower cholesterol levels in people with diabetes mellitus.

People with diabetes often have high cholesterol levels. It is known that high cholesterol in the blood is one factor that makes a person affected by heart disease and stroke. A study at the Hull University found that people with diabetes who ate dark chocolate cholesterol levels decreased.

They found polyphenols in dark chocolate is one factor that can lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease. Research scientists from the UK that involved 12 people with diabetes mellitus. By a team of experts, patients were asked mengonsumi polyphenol-rich dark chocolate for 16 weeks.

As a result, there was a slight increase in total cholesterol, with reductions in bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol. "Chocolate contains high kokoal should be part of the consumption patterns of people with diabetes," said Professor Steve Atkin, researchers say.

Nevertheless, the body of diabetes Britain did not want to rush to recommend a dark brown to frequently chewed by diabetes. Because the fat and sugar content in dark chocolate can aggravate diabetes. In other words, for people with diabetes actually mudharatnya dark chocolate more than the benefits.
10:51 PM | 1 komentar | Read More

Chocolate is not an aphrodisiac

Chocolate is considered as one of the foods that can excite aka aphrodisiac food. True?

Speaking of aphrodisiac foods, chocolate is a food that is often called. The smell and taste the delicious chocolate makes a lot of people love chocolate.

In fact, chocolate has become one of the items required to be given to couples when Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, the achievement of chocolate as an aphrodisiac, this symbol of love and not necessarily in line with reality.

Some studies say that chocolate is not food that can enhance sexual arousal.

Psychologist and sex therapist from Pepperdine University Linda Devillers, PhD, believes that chocolate as an aphrodisiac food is a myth that has no scientific evidence.

This myth is very well established and already embedded in the brains of society. As a result, many people who feel excited after eating chocolate.

Excited effect due to eating chocolate actually comes from the mind alone, rather than scientifically. The statement was supported by the research Adam Drewnowski of the University of Washington, which mentions that the effects of chocolate not raise passions, but calm and give a feeling of comfort.
10:50 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Coming soon, from Chocolate Cough Medicine

Nothing wrong when chocolate is called as one superfood. There have been many studies reveal the benefits of these foods for health. Content of antioxidants in cocoa pods (raw chocolate maker) has been known to prevent various kinds of diseases, such as heart and blood vessels.

Efforts by scientists to reveal and develop the benefits of chocolate never stopped. In recent research, chocolate is also able to treat persistent cough.

One of the natural substances in cocoa called theobromine is currently in final stage clinical trials to be used as medical drugs. If this trial run smoothly, then the cough medicine from the brown material is expected to be present on the market within two years.

For information, persistent cough is a cough that has the characteristics of symptoms more than two weeks. Some sufferers also show symptoms such as asthma. Some are experiencing symptoms such as heartburn.

Most cough medicines on the market is only able to relieve the symptoms and not cure or treat the cause. These drugs are also frequently complained of troublesome side effects, namely drowsiness.

In addition, there are concerns from the security side, the side effects of drugs based codeine which typically uses chemicals called opioids.

A previous study by London's National Heart and Lung Institute showed that 33 percent theobromine prove more effective than codeine in stopping a cough. This substance acts directly on the vagus nerve, which lead to persistent cough.
10:49 PM | 1 komentar | Read More

Let's Diet by Chocolate

Having excess body weight, often makes you stay away from chocolate. But did you know that chocolate can also be used as a menu alternative to dieting?

In Europe, dark chocolate to be one tool that can help you lose weight. Because with a bar of chocolate, you can forget your diet for satiety.

"One bar of chocolate can improve blood sugar content in the body. This will provide satiety stimuli to the brain," said Louis Tanuhadi, Brand Ambassadors during the event Chocolate Chocolate Tulip School Class, Thursday (7/10/2010) ago.

Although your stomach empty, eating chocolate will make you feel full. Do not be surprised, small children are often forbidden to eat chocolate before eating rice.

However, not all chocolate can be used as a means to diet. Dark chocolate with the content of which is still a strong bitter taste is chocolate that can be used for the diet. If you use another type of chocolate that has a wide mix of sweet, your diet will not work.
10:47 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Healthy Benefits of Chocolate

Nothing wrong with chocolate to be one of the most widely gifts given on Valentine's Day this. Until now, brown tree called the "food of God." Fairy tales in various cultures mention chocolate consumption is associated with health, strength, and enhancing arousal.

Cocoa tree, whose fruits contain seeds that can be processed into chocolate, was found about 2,000 years ago in the tropical rainforest America. Nation's first eating chocolate is defective Mayans (250-900 BC). They mix cocoa beans with a certain spice to offset the bitter taste and pungent before making beverages.

For the Mayans, chocolate fruit is a symbol of life and fertility. The fruit is also often presented in religious rituals, including weddings. In Mexico, the Aztecs believe people who eat chocolate fruit will be endowed with wisdom and strength.

In 1519, the Europeans are new to brown when the fruit is brought Spanish sailors who brought this plant. From the king's favorite drink, chocolate and then spread throughout Europe and for centuries known only as a noble beverage.

Chocolate's reputation as afrosidiak or arousal-enhancing foods originated from the French nobility. Casanova, conqueror of famous women, known to have a habit of drinking chocolate before erotic adventure with many women.

Although better known as afrosidiak, turned out to contain phenylethylamine in chocolate just a little. Phenylethylamine (PEA) or also called "love drug" relates to the regulation of physical energy, mood and attention. The body will issue a PEA when there is an emotional euphoria that blood pressure and heart rate increases. But the scientists found no evidence that the PEA in the diet can increase the PEA in the brain.
10:45 PM | 0 komentar | Read More

Cocoa Lower Hypertension

They say that many processed cocoa into chocolate bars can make healthy heart and strong bones. Besides, chocolate is also widely used as ingredients for body care in order to smooth the skin, strengthen nails and soften hair. Not a few women believe that these foods could be a practical solution to relieve stress.

Research shows, cacao plant contains a substance called flavanols epicathechins, which serves to encourage the walls of arteries to relax. This effect is good for blood vessel function in the body.

Research on this has been done by Norman Hollenberg, professor of medicine at Harvard University. He compares the consumption of chocolate bars, milk and dark chocolate. People who take the second option showed high levels of nitric oxide in the blood.

"Nitric acid is responsible for making blood vessels relax and open so that blood flow was smooth and the pressure decreases," said Riani Susanto, ND, CT, an expert in naturopathy and certified practitioner of the healing reconnective Clinic Harmony Zone.

Although this research will still continue to be done, experts say, it never hurts when hypertensive patients taking part in the form of cocoa powder or dark chocolate, in addition to taking blood pressure-lowering drugs. The recommended dose is 450 mg of flavanols, which is equivalent to two cups of warm cocoa chocolate milk per day.
10:44 PM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger